Types of Chronic Illness and Ways to Cope It
In simple words, chronic illness may be defined as a physical condition in which the person has to live with an existing health problem throughout his life and retain the good health or protection from that disease through regular medication and therapy. In other words, it can be defined as a condition in which there is no other better medicine available for a person to treat his problem and he has to follow the prescribed lifestyle as suggested by the doctor.
The reason behind the chronic illness:
The most prominent reason behind the emergence of this problem is the poor lifestyle people are not able to pay attention to their health. Going through the hectic working schedule and increasing mental stress in the professional and professional life, they get addicted to various drugs, smoking, alcohol, use of pain killer medicines to relief from stress, lack of physical activities and poor diets, they are caught by different diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, obesity and various types of cancers. Although, there are medicines that help in controlling the impacts of these problems on health, at the same time they bound the patient to continue their use for enjoying good health.
Common types of chronic illness:
However, there are lots of physical conditions that can be regarded as chronic illness, but still there 12 health conditions that are common among most of the people in Australia. These include:
1. Heart diseases
2. Depression
3. Stroke
4. Asthma
5. Arthritis
6. Lung cancer and colorectal cancer
7. Osteoporosis
8. Type 2 Diabetes
9. Oral problems
10. Chronic kidney disease
11. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Dealing with Chronic Illness:
The most important way to fight with the problem is by collecting as much information available about from different sources apart from your doctor and the nurses. For this, today there is huge information available in the cyber world.
Follow the advice given by the doctor strictly without any concern and doubts. Keep the doctor informed about the changes that happen in your body due to the regular intake of medicines prescribed by him. Doing this will help in assessing your physical condition and decide the prescription accordingly. For this, he may also even conduct some tests.
Try to seek help from everyone whom you think could be of some help to you. A doctor can only suggest you follow the necessary guidelines and take medicines, but still, they do not have an answer to various issues. For instance, he cannot help you in quitting the smoke, but a nurse or someone else can assist you in doing so. Moreover, meeting with such people will help in satisfying your various questions related to your problem, which you can further clarify from your doctor.
Nowadays, there are some health problems which are regarded as common problems among all the people, in fact, nowadays there are lots of youth who are suffering from such problems which till a few years back were regarded to happen in old age. As a result of this, even a primary care physician can check your health and suggest the necessary medication, until unless everything is under his control. Therefore, if you think that visiting the specialist for every problem and then take medicine based on their joint discussion will help you in recovering from your illness, then you are mistaken. Because, all these practices happen in an ideal world, but not in the real world.
Chronic illness means changing your existing lifestyle into a new lifestyle as recommended by the doctor, this may require not only to change in your diet but also to change in various day to day activities. This sometimes may be quite irritating for a person, but then once you get habitual of it, you will start enjoying it. Moving ahead, you will also be required to remember the timings of different medicines prescribed to be taken at different timings, this can be a daunting task for you, but at the same, it is the only way for you to enjoy the healthy life. Thus do not forget to take medicines on time.
In short, it can be said, that chronic illness is not a big problem as it sounds, it is only an imaginary threat that has been created by people with negative thoughts. Therefore, besides following the above-mentioned steps it will be better to stay away from the people with negative feelings.